Seafood pH Measurement I with Sensor Probe.

The flavor of seafood is distinct. It is also rich in many beneficial nutrients, making it one-of-a-kind and fresh. Protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals are all necessary for the body. However, excessive or unsanitary seafood consumption can be harmful to the body, resulting in food poisoning and mercury poisoning. The time after harvest is an important factor that determines the quality of seafood, including hyperlipidemia and increased weight. and storage temperature, or simply changing the biological conditions, will result in a change in pH, indicating the freshness of the seafood, as well as assisting in the evaluation of shelf life. As a result, measuring the pH of seafood is an important step to take.

The importance of measuring the pH of seafood

Measuring the pH of seafood will aid in determining proper storage. Seafood has a pH of 6.2 on average, but this can vary depending on the type of fish. or other types of seafood The pH of frozen seafood increased after the expiration date stated on the label, according to a study on the relationship between seafood freshness and pH. That means the food has begun to spoil, and the pH will rise to 6.6 in 7 days due to the alkaline-producing bacteria.

As a result, the “canned food” industry requires knowledge of the pH of fresh seafood. to efficiently pack into cans The data must be kept continuously to maintain standards. as well as the consistency of the manufacturing process.

Challenges and Obstacles in Seafood pH Measurement

Seafood is made up of naturally solid parts. When using a conventional probe, samples must be prepared before measuring pH. The grinding of seafood makes this preparation time-consuming. and thoroughly mix There is also a high risk of error in the sample preparation process, as cutting and grinding can alter the pH value. A dirty sensor probe could also be the source of unstable pH. The problem is summarized in the table below. and the potential effects on pH measurement when measuring seafood samples with conventional sensors.



solid sample characteristics

Direct sample measurements are difficult.

sample preparation

Preparation requires methods such as crushing and mixing the sample. which takes a long time
high protein samples

The sensor connector is damaged. This is because the blockage results in incorrect results.

high fat samples

Dirty sensors accumulate on the membrane resulting in slow measurement response.

fatty seafood and high protein deposits on the glass membrane of the probe. will block the response to the membrane to transmit the signal. In addition, when the protein from the sample reacts with the reference electrolyte, Protein precipitates due to free silver ions from silver chloride. When precipitation occurs, it will clog the ceramic joint. and prevent the electrolyte from mixing with the sample. cause a measurement error.

Humans process marine life to produce seafood. And it is well known that the majority of seafood preservation is accomplished through freezing. As a result, using a sensor probe to directly measure the pH of frozen seafood may not be appropriate. Because the sensor is fragile, it may break during the measurement process. As a result, pH must be measured indirectly by first grinding seafood samples and mixing them with water. The pH reading is affected by sample dilution, resulting in inaccurate results. The pH should be measured directly from the sample. without diluting with water, and the sample must be large enough to measure

“The flavor is distinct from that of meat. or freshwater fish This is a popular type of food. Nowadays, seafood restaurants are common. Making it easier to consume seafood If eaten properly, it can help with complete nutrition; however, eating too much or too frequently can cause health problems.”

The pH Meter is a highly precise and accurate instrument.
pH meters come in a variety of styles, including pen, hand-held, tabletop, and wall-mounted models. The use of a pH meter to measure pH is best suited for industrial applications. If the appropriate measuring tool is chosen for the application.

pH Meter from Hanna


Hanna Instruments (Thailand)

Leading measurement instrument maker


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